Ganga Dussehra 2022: Day, Date, Time and Story of Goddess Ganga

Ganga Dussehra and our gift to preserving it…

On June 9th, 2022, the most important and auspicious Yogic Festival is upon us, Ganga Dussehra marks the day that the holy river Ganga, fell from heaven by virtue of sacrifice and austerity. It also marks the start of something very special that Akhanda Yoga Institute is working on to honour the sanctity of this holy giver...but first some really beautiful things to learn about this most auspicious day.

To simply put it, Yogis celebrate Ganga as a living goddess and dedicate this day to her. They perform rituals for better fortune and to wash away all sins. To only celebrate this, would be leaving out so many other treasures that Ganga has given us. Thousands of lamps are lit and can be seen flowing to bring about goodness and peace. Mother Ganga resides in our hearts and souls, she is the lifeline of India. “Generation after generation tell their young about Goddess Ganga’s decent in the hopes that it inspires them to make sacrifices that translate into achieving great causes (for the well-being of all.) People from all over India (and the world) visit her banks and enter the water displaying different forms of devotion. From splashing water onto themselves, dipping themselves into it, offering a plethora of items from flowers to incense, to chanting mantras while washing themselves. The emotional and spiritual wellbeing that the Ganga brings to so many people, is far larger than the Ganga herself[1] .  The mere sight of her can inspire a cleansing just by her sheer awe. In touching, splashing, praying and bathing in its waters, “one rescues one’s ancestors to the seventh generation, one’s descendants to the seventh generation, as also other ancestors and descendants.”                                                                                                                 




Just today, I had the privilege of seeing a small mountain village community bring one of their goddesses to the Ganga. They were dancing with this float on their shoulders and dipping it in the water.  People from all areas of India were there in solidarity with this village, and I was thrilled to witness such beauty and praise. Ganga is used for spiritual and funeral rites, as she washes ashes to heaven. The ancient scriptures and epics sing glorious songs in praise of the threefold river goddess Ganga. Lord Krishna defines the Ganga in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita: ‘Ga avyayam gamayatti Ganga’ which means, ‘The Ganga takes one toward the paradise.’

In celebration of this holy day, and in honour of Ma Ganga and all her beauty, Akhanda Yoga Institute has started something that will help to restore and preserve the lifeline of India. We are very proud to have begun a cleansing campaign that will be bigger than any one person. Please stay tuned and follow our stories as we will need your support and are excited to share with you the things we are doing to raise up Ganga Ma!


The Holy Ganga by Kaushal Kishore


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