Chaz Ibrahim

Chaz Ibrahim is the founder of Surakshaa Yoga; Recovery Yoga. He is a yoga teacher, author, and addiction expert; continuously clean and sober since June 20, 2017.  He studied in the yoga capital of the world, Rishikesh, India, at the-foothills of the Himalaya's.  He holds a Masters certificate in Pranayama (breath work), Hatha Yoga, Kundalini, Yoga Nidra & Raja Yoga.  He has travelled the world teaching yoga and helping people to live their best life...Free from all types of addiction, by combining Yoga with Recovery.

Surakshaa, meaning Recovery in Sanskrit, is the perfect union between Yoga, and a 12 Step Recovery Program.

Surakshaa was founded while Chaz was on his spiritual journey, seeking truth, and carving a path to a life bigger than abstinence from drugs and alcohol.  A life he always intended to have.  A life full of possibilities that he robbed himself of with mind altering substances.  He was able to go deeper into his spirituality by committing himself to a 12 step program and to a holistic yoga practice.  Together they have solidified his foundation so that he can enjoy his universally given birthright to be happy and to help others be the best version of themselves.

After 26 years of addiction to alcohol and drugs from marijuana to heroin, suicide attempts, anxiety, depression, mental health ailments, and a debilitating spinal disease, Chaz surrendered to a 12 step recovery program, sought help from mental health experts, began practicing Yoga, breath work, and meditation to climb out of the dark and begin a life free of all addictions. He was living two lives... One as a highly successful executive in the Luxury hotel market, and one as an emaciated addict who lost his soul to drugs.

His story of strength, experience and hope has helped many struggling addicts around the world and he has dedicated his life to helping people with Surakshaa.

“The 12 Step program saved my life. Yoga allowed me to do something with that life"    

  -  Chaz Ibrahim