Karma Seva

My name is Chaz Ibrahim (from Canada) and I have been a Karma Seva (Yogi) at Anand Prakash Yoga Ashram with the Akhanda Yoga Institute since June of 2022. I have been associated with Akhanda for nearly three years thanks to my cousin who is an Akhanda graduate of past.  She told me about the magic of this place and knew me well enough to know that I needed the mentorship of Yogrishi Vishvketu. She was right. In so many ways he has helped me to see my true worth and be the better man than I knew was inside of me.


 Karma Seva

When the opportunity arose for me to give back, I was thrilled and honoured to be a Karma Yogi.  It has filled me with a humbleness that I did not know I could attain. Being able to serve, to teach, to lead projects and to soak in the spirit of this ashram has helped to release blockages I didn't even know existed.  

 Karma Seva

"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."

  • Khalil Gibran


Being part of the daily Fire Puja, serving meals, manning the library, teaching yoga classes, meditation, setting up kirtan, and leading humanitarian projects are all things that I have done with the understanding from Guruji of not receiving anything in return.  Unconditionally.

 Karma Seva

But what it did give me was something that I never anticipated I would get. It was a deeper respect for humanity, a profound respect for myself, and a divine feeling of love that could only be attained through the unselfish acts of this position.

There have been many ups and downs, and what I've noticed are the "downs" don't last so long. Gratitude lists are easy to write and the subtle smile that we learn is in me more than I ever believed it could.

To date, I have spearheaded an initiative where we planted 400 trees at our jungle ashram and Yogrishi's not for profit children's school. We were engaged and relentless in the efforts to inform the students (and ourselves) the beauty of giving back to mother Earth.

I have also been the lead in a project to preserve the illustrious Ganges River (Ma Ganga).  An audacious goal that we are very proud of and are confident will grow with each passing month...much like the trees we all planted.

To say that I am grateful for this opportunity would be a massive understatement.  I will be forever grateful for the opportunity that was given to me by Yogrishi Vishviji and Prakashini.  They continue to be a shining beacon for me both spiritually and emotionally.  

Written by Chaz Ibrahim

"I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy."

  • Khalil Gibran
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