Tree planting

Trees for Tomorrow; a tree planting initiative at the Jungle Ashram and the Sansaar Gyaan Pathshala School; July 27/28, 2022

Written by Kusum Jyoti and Chaz Ibrahim

At Akhanda Yoga Institute, we do not wait for solutions; rather we create them. As Yogi’s we are hopeful and purposeful; we breathe, think and act with intention. We believe that Yoga is a lifestyle, practiced both on and off the Yoga mat. We change the outside by working on the inside and simultaneously make choices that act for the highest well being of all. We know that what we are doing today has a profound impact on tomorrow.

On July 27th and 28th of 2022, we took our Yoga practice off of our mats, going beyond the physicality of tree pose, by planting trees in celebration of India’s 75th year of Independence. Together and in service of humanity, the ashram staff, karma team, ashram guests and local school children planted four hundred locally sourced and organic baby herb and fruit trees in the areas around our jungle ashram and free school.  We purchased the trees from a local nursery in Rishikesh but have set ourselves up with future potentiality to have these trees donated to us.  Speaking with the Forrest Officials, local government officials, and larger ashrams, we have solidified a relationship that would yield larger donations the next time we embrace this initiative.  Our goal has always been to watch this program grow in the same manner as these trees.

Teams were able to learn and grow together. Each tree was carefully chosen in harmony with the local vegetation and climate in order to sustainably enrich the current environment. Together, we learned about the trees, how to care for them and each of the school children are responsible for caring for the trees.  This was not always an easy task to achieve.  There were logistical challenges due to the geographical climate, organizing 150 kids, having volunteers emulate the culture we wanted to encompass, and have fun while doing it.  That's why it was important to begin the day with spiritual devotion, yoga, and an informative session on what each tree's specific features and potential uses were… and giving kids lollipops never hurts :)

What was very important to us was that we assigned each tree to a student so that they had a vested interest in cultivating its literal and figurative growth.  They were told to make sure it got enough water and that it was growing healthy.  Teachers will hold them to it as part of their curriculum.

At Akhanda Yoga Institute, we believe that we can all make a personal and collective difference. This project fostered a sense of belonging and purpose. Not only will these trees improve the local soil and climate, they will provide economic opportunity and also serve as reminders of the gifts of wellbeing, independence, self-reliance, empowerment and sustainability. 

Collectively we planted hundreds of trees in both the Akhanda Yoga Jungle Ashram and Children’s school to ensure we are doing our part in helping this planet.  Our plan and goal is to plant more each year and expand beyond our borders and into government land.

By connecting to nature, we have invoked our true nature for today’s and tomorrow’s generations.

Written by Kusum Jyoti and Chaz Ibrahim

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